In the face of fear, choices are perilous. Standing firm seems courageous, but could lead to destructive conflict. Very often, retreat feels cowardly. But it can also be gracious and just.
We all live to fight on. Our desires arise in us as they appear, but can be satisfied only in their own time. We have every right to demand the world show itself and declare us a winner or loser. But this demand affects only our mental clarity. If we prize simple serenity above all else, then be constant. State your case and live with immediate consequences.
But if you wish to find harmony with the world, to follow your desires and find new earthly purpose in them, timely retreat is wise and appreciative. It gives the primal forces of the world their due, while declaring that your desires are too precious to die in sacrifice to your clear head.
Retreat can be an apology, it can be a reframing, it can include physical withdrawal, but also decisions to stay put. Do not stigmatize your retreats. They are not repudiations of your values. They are brave acknowledgments that our desires have meaning and need to be protected, even in the face of overwhelming odds.