Bits and Pieces

Meditations on Montaigne

61) À Demain les Affaires

Procrastination is our least understood drive. The sweetness of any act requires some bitter sorrow, disappointment or self doubt. We do not put off because we lack will or drive. We put off to make the other things we do that much more meaningful. The anxiety you feel when you take a day off is always what drives the pleasures of that day.

We find no pleasure in pure duty, rather we find comfort. In the things we must do, we reassure ourselves that we are adults, that we can take care of ourselves.We allay the anxiety that we have never escaped the womb, that we are forever dependent on the sustenance of others.

But we still yearn for that womb. We yearn to rebel against the checklists and the reminders. And in the moments we steal from our duties, we discover the sweetest pleasures, those that feel naughty, and therefore more worthy of our desire.