Bits and Pieces

Meditations on Montaigne

80) Les Méchants Moyens Employés À Bonne Fin

“Ailing political systems often display a similar surplus, and they usually resort to various types of purges to address it. Sometimes, to take the load off the country, a great multitude of families are given leave to seek better conditions elsewhere, to some other nation’s detriment.” Creating refugees is not a new tactic, and it was invented as an analogy to purges of the body. We now consider forced bleeding to cure our ‘ill humors’ barbaric. Yet, sending migrants to Guantanamo Bay is somehow normal.

Cruelty almost always has its roots in the superstitions of the past. Cross generational slanders about people are passed down and believed. It was once believed that you could measure a person’s head to determine his worth. Now that is proved via IQ tests with barely an ounce more validity.

People who seek power will never run out of ways to create false kinship with people, even as they brag about standing above them and all. We reward people for the magic trick of pretending to be of the people and superior to them at the same time. These magicians use sleight of hand that would be impressive if it didn’t cause immediate suffering for so many.