To be clumsy is to be all thumbs. Opposable thumbs allow us to grasp and manipulate objects. Approval can be expressed in thumbs up or down. Most chat programs now have virtual thumbs to indicate the same. Hitchhikers, when they were culturally prevalent, put out their thumbs to procure rides. Children suck their thumbs. There is thumb wrestling. Umpires in baseball once used thumbs to indicate a baserunner was out, but after enough players told them to stick their thumbs someplace obscene, they switched to clenched fists instead.
That is my sum knowledge of thumbs, except to add that I have something called a rheumatoid nodule on my right thumb at the moment, probably from a combination of weight lifting and rheumatoid arthritis. It’s not painful and doesn’t restrict my movement, but it looks strange.
Fortunately, the Chicago winter has me in gloves quite a bit these days, so few have noticed. Gone by spring? I can hope.