Bits and Pieces

Meditations on Montaigne

90) Spurina

”Caesar’s pursuit of pleasure never made him steal one single minute, never deflected him one inch, from any opportunity which was offered him to aggrandize himself.” Unfortunate that he did not get distracted by that pleasure. We criticize the powerful for their appetites and abuses and it it right to defend anyone harmed by such. But perhaps it would be in the social good to solicit volunteers to distract the powerful to they have something to take their minds off endless acquisitions.

If not that, then give them hobbies or some club of the rich and powerful where they can joust and perhaps kill one endangered species a year, just to satiate their will to destruction. I would say let them spend their time and money on space exploration if they so desire, but we now see that even hundreds of billions are not enough for their pursuits, they always find a way back to the federal treasury for their rocket kits.

Anything to distract the sociopaths of power from passing on more pain to the world would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, let them suffer the consequences of a public increasingly fed up with their endless wealth and power.