Bits and Pieces

Meditations on Montaigne

92) Trois Femmes Valeureuses

“Let those widows who wept when they were alive laugh outwardly and inwardly once they are dead.” Or, to put it more bluntly, let the women who suffered under tyrannical husbands enjoy their demise. This thought could stand to be even more macabre, inviting those who suffered to hurry along the process however necessary.

Someone has to hold powerful men accountable. If we can’t rely on laws and traditions, if constitutions don’t hold, if rivals cower, who’s left to show everyone that they are just mortal men, nothing special, no one to command the world to bend to their will.

It will probably take women to hold them accountable. It will take time for everyone to listen and to get over their weak, hidden biases. But it will happen, because bully’s always fall, eventually.