Bits and Pieces

Meditations on Montaigne

26) L’Education Des Enfants

Teaching children philosophy might be a route to making them into noble, virtuous adults with critical thinking skills. But which philosophy? Our philosophy doesn’t use the same grammar. Some are analytic, some are called continental, but none are easily at the reach of school children.

We could begin a tour of philosophy’s route from Athens to Cambridge and this might do the trick, but who will do the teaching? And which guides will they follow? Stoics command the stage today, with their certainty and staunch self control. But we are much closer to epicureans in our world, even as we fight to deny it.

At an earlier, simpler time it might have been possible to build education on a bedrock of philosophy. Today the best we can do is to steal from Socrates and teach children to inquire, doubt and always challenge. Pick little fights daily so you don’t have to pick big ones later that might risk your life.