“I can conceive and believe that there are thousands of different ways of living and, contrary to most men, I more readily acknowledge our differences than our similarities.” People take many forms and live their lives in drastically different ways. Given this, how can virtue be defined? If there is no human nature, no common culture, and no set purpose for our being?
As we form our own souls, do we conform to earlier models, trying our best to copy idols? If so, do we ever approach the real person, or just the writer’s dramatization of that character? Must we take on the weak, disappointing parts of heroes as well?
There is nothing wrong with celebrating people who have traits we aspire to hold. But what is misguided is the belief that anyone else will share equal values. Let everyone erect their own statues and celebrate their own special tribute days. In fact, perhaps we should be defined by these shrines and totems, just like people today are venerated for the size of their homes and autos.