Bits and Pieces

Meditations on Montaigne

45) La Bataille De Dreux

If you’re going to enter into a war, fight it to win and to the finish. This is an easy, simple rule to apply to conflict. But it’s a barbaric thought in an age of hypersonic missiles and thermonuclear devices.

We are rapidly leaving the age of “good wars,” those fought with the best intentions. Wars are becoming, once again, ways that “might makes right” is enforced. Use your muscle and grab whatever territory and resources you need to further enrich the ruling class.

Now powerful countries freely threaten neighbors and even friends if it helps them flex their muscles and get their way. What may emerge soon is a new understanding by the powerful — do as you wish with the weak close at hand and we will do the same. The world will divide into divided spheres of bullies. People will be sent to war not to “fight for freedom” but to enrich the billionaires of choice.