Occam’s Razor tells us that the simplest solution is often the best, and in science, parsimony means to rule out the simple, logical solutions first before moving on to the complicated. The word also means to be miserly. How interesting that the two are merging in this historical moment.
Simplistic cost cutting moves are being taken by those who have spent lavishly on their candidate of choice. This is not to make way for reducing our debt burden or to fund an important new national goal. No, it’s to make room for another large tax cut for the wealthiest. And, likely, for some manned mission to Mars.
As much as I shy away from hero worship for exemplars of the past, how much I’d prefer those who reject the trappings of rule. Now we are ruled purely by the rich who attain office to become more so. If massive inaugural funds aren’t enough, donations to meme coins will finish the job.