Bits and Pieces

Meditations on Montaigne

56) Les Priéres

I do not understand the concept of prayer. If you believe in an all powerful, holy deity, aren’t your beliefs and feelings an open book? How are human words something to impress and show appreciation? Words exist so human beings can communicate with one another and are imperfect expressions of our deepest beliefs. Shouldn’t we owe a Creator something more?

To that end, I am impressed by whatever mad spirit drives Pentacostals to speak in tongues. Let those overcome with a Holy Spirit speak words they cannot understand nor harness, that flow through wildly without seeming purpose.

I cannot imagine anything less dignified than asking a superior being for something through words. Isn’t it enough that you have life? You beg for something more from a God? It is kind to say that you’ll put someone in your prayers, but do people actually keep a running list of God’s asks that they keep like a to-do list? I feel sadness for the God who has to listen to it all.