“The vile and thoroughly enervating practice of our noblemen today is never to don their armour until the very last second when absolutely necessary, and to throw it off as soon as there is the slightest sign of the danger being past. This results in chaos.” At least the noblemen of the late renaissance donned armor and took up arms. Today they merely find new, absurd cause to send people into harms way.
Our “highest noble,” by official rank, promised to end wars to earn his position, but now is threatening the use of our troops to capture Greenland and the Panama Canal and to engage in some blend of ethnic cleansing and nation building in Gaza. This, even though he regularly insults those who sacrifice their lives for our “noble” causes as losers and stigmatizes everyone who isn’t a non-white male carrying out his orders.
All of this is being done in the names of strength, greatness and promised golden ages. None of this would happen if Sir Bone Spurs had to take up arms to carry out his tragicomic whims.