Our minds tangle themselves up with hard choices. We can face situations where the tossed coin rests on its side, refusing to budge with an answer. The body could choose for us in these moments anyway and the brain will later give a rationale for the random selection.
Pyrrhonists consider these analyses to dodge the point of their philosophy. They see all choices as essentially 50-50. Even when we believe we know the answer, Pyrrhonists contend we could easily be wrong, or perhaps we could be right today and wrong tomorrow. To the Pyrrhonist, the end result of this confusion should be joy, Finding a moment of indecision is that philosophy’s method to serenity.
Nearly no contemporary person would feel this way. That could be because Pyrrhonism is wrong and these situations really bring on anxiety or confusion. Or it could be that our culture simply refuses to believe and understand Pyrrhonism, that we make ourselves crazy because we were brought up to believe that we must always choose. What’s the correct answer? What do I know?