“Once things have happened we can find some interpretation of them which turns them into prophecies.” Portents abound in life, but are usually seen in retrospect. The great American government purge underway is the rare example of one almost too clear for its own good. The technologists are eliminating the human civil service workforce to make way for A.I. If they succeed, they will demonstrate to every large employer what to do next — cut, replace, dehumanize.
How ironic that people in support of this movement once carried torches and proclaimed “you will not replace us.” The you in this case were people who did not look like them, and perhaps they succeeded in that regard. Little did they know that silicon would make a much simpler replacement.
There is a version of the future where wealth taxes are levied on everyone who attains great riches from this non human workforce and humanity enters a nirvana where the vast majority do not have to work for a living. But the party in power is doing the exact opposite, giving not just power but lower taxation to the technoplutocrats. The great replacement is beginning and we have no idea what will become of the living beings who still must feed their families.