“We engender many, or even all, of this world’s abuses by teaching people to fear admitting ignorance and requiring them to accept unrefutable claims. Everything is proclaimed by injunction and assertion.” Why are we so uncomfortable with doubt? The things we proclaim most confidently are often done so more to convince ourselves than anyone else. If we are on record stating a strong opinion, we are less likely to waiver from it publicly.
If we could sit in our own mixed feelings, we might discover the proper place for them. We wouldn’t feel so offended or hurt by the contrary. Perhaps we might find kinship with those who disagree, or more valuably, we might convince our opponents to sit in their own conflict and consider that there might be good reason to avoid the question raising at all.
Conflicts over time often whither away, if we acknowledge that the facts and feelings that brought them forth are valid. If two sides can’t agree on a black and white solution, perhaps they can both be convinced to examine various shades of grey.